Profile PictureGymMed

Perfect Sleep - premium

2 ratings

Good sleep is perhaps the single best thing you can do for your health

yet almost noone sleeps right.

People fortunately "woke up" and they are trying to get things right.

That's why I made...

The only sleep guide you'll ever need!

I can equip you with the best science-proved tools for handling not only your sleep but also your life.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and you have trouble falling back asleep, you are sleepy in the morning, suffer from jet-lag or/and shift work or you are generally just curious and you want to improve your sleep - this guide helps you with all of that!


Who is this guide for?

This guide is designed for people who wish to improve their health, life, productivity and feel better thanks to proper usage of sleep as a free powerful tool. It is suitable for everyone regardless of their age, gender, goal or belief.

How will it solve my problems?

The knowledge and practical step-by-step tutorials in this guide will help anyone become master of sleep armed with loads of tools for sleep improvement, tips for falling asleep faster or creating and shifting sleep routine and using it in your advantage.

It will also save you many hours reading books, complicated articles or watching long videos about sleep and health in general

or if you have already been sleeping incorrectly for multiple years it will save you time and pain of being unhealthy and countless visits of doctors.

Why should I pick this guide?

The guide is in my opinion long enough to give you all the information you need but on the other and it’s not too long to steal your time. You are buying this guide because you want to solve your problems fast with the least amount of effort right?

Insted of buying a long book or watching hours of videos you can read this shorter super valuable guide full of the most practical and useful tools!

It is also a cumulation of my personal research done for over 2 years and it helped me and many people around me and let me tell you, we sleep like babies.

What extra value do I get with this guide compared to your free version?

The free version is much more brief and it equips you with only very basic tools for sleep improvement. In the premium guide each chapter is much longer and even about the same things you will find more information. You will not only know more protocols for sleep improvement but you will genuiely understand your body and circadian rhytm.

Only premium version also teaches you how to:

  1. set your circadian rhytm right
  2. build and shift your sleep schedule
  3. tactics for faster falling asleep
  4. dealing with jet-lag and sleep-related deseases

Is this guide refundible?

I think the value of this product is very high, however if you have objectively good reason for your refund you can hit me up on twitter and we will figure something out.

More questions? I will answer them happily on my email or twitter!

• Includes:

Full explanation of the reasons why we must sleep (benefits and health consequences of sleep deprivation) and how our circadiam rhytm (inner biological clock) works and gives you tools on mastering it.

Tips for sleep improvement - make the most out your sleep (even short one) and feel energized & build more muscle & create strong health through high-quality sleep.

Step by step tutorial on fixing and shifting your sleep routine and creating healthy relationship to sleeping.

Tips for falling asleep under 5 minutes everyday!

Advanced table to track your sleep (duration, dreams, how you feel, energy levels) - find out what sleep routine suits you the best

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Perfect Sleep - premium

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